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+36 70/640-8888

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7:00am - 5:00pm

Scales for weighing For klifts, pallets and big-bagforAgri

Weighing Systems on forklift trucks

Scales for Forklift Trucks 

Beside the Manufacturers’ OEM built-in scales EuroScale offers many new features and high accuracy weighing solutionson the customers’ requests as retro fit Forklift Scales.

Forklift-scales are divided for Static and for Dynamic weighing evenit is hydraulic or load cell scale.

Advantage of staticscalesis a lower price level compared to the advanced technology and operator functions of dynamic scales.

Easy weighing with Static Scales:

Kimax 1 Hydraulic                Multifunctional weighing on many application (truck, forklift, van)

Dini Argeo LTP                    easy and accureweighing – printing option – easycalibration – weightotalizer

Ideal for control weighing individual pallets or goods.


Advanced weighing with Dynamic Scales

Topcon RDS Liftlog and Weighlog series  correct and in-load weighing – target load alarm –  outside use

Topcon RDS Loadmaster  legal for trade dynamic weighing– SQL database–targetload – GPS/GPRS/Wifi – MID approved

Dini Argeo LTF weighing forks  maximum accuracy from load cell technology – check weighing – totalizer–ready for data management – CE M approved

Ideal for precise weighing and for advanced storage. More can be directly connected to Customer’s ERP system and equipped with on-board printer.


Weighing Systems for Agriculture

Weighing systems for Agriculture covers a wide range of scales 

Farming always an emphasized job to maximize efficiency and production. To contol all internal and commercial process we offer a wide range of weighing solutions.

Trucks and Loaders

            Standard and portable weighbridges for Tractors and Trucks.

                        See more >>>

On-board weighing on Front loaders and on Telescopic Loaders to make your efficiency 100% by controlling all loads.

On-board weighing gives you the freedom with high accuracy and speed up correct loadings. Reduce costs in every minute.

On-Board Scale for Loaders and Telescopic Loaders are available in approved version too!

            Weighing Platforms – Weighing Pads

Platforms can control not only total weigh of a truck / trailer but the axle loads are under control too!

Easy, portable and very accurate solution for places where weighing is intermittent or the space for a weighbridge is limited.

The complete mobile Scale-House is present with battery operated weighing case, printer and USB memory.

Some model are available in static and dynamic weighing mode: (dynamic when truck slowly drives through the pads without stop).


Silos, pallets and transporting belt Scales

Silo weighing is always important to follow material level stored in the silos. The advanced loadcell technology provide wide range of silo scales from 500kg upto 300 tons silos for Agriculture.

Defining correct target load of standard bigbags for correct trading with agri products is various and platform scale give mostly the best solution.

For Pallet weighing EuroScale offer static or dynamic solution through the standard platform scales or the pallet truck scales.

Many of standard, special or custom-fit weighing equipments are available so please contact our experts for your information.


Get in Touch

You will find yourself working in a true partnership that results in an incredible experience, and an end product that is the best.

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+36 70/640-8888