Site installation – full-projects
We prefer giving turnkey projects covering from first step until finalizing service or installation on site.
The high-skilled installer teams provide you professional workmanship to use your system on the most efficient way.
Reliability – our serviceteams have decades of experience from many different segments and able to install the most long lasting system for your company.
Safety – no worry about special safety rules our motto is same as yours: “Safety first”.
Distribution of world-wide leading manufacturer brands with their support behind always ensure highest quality of our production and services.
Working with the best-fit and available solutions or alternatives. Handling scheduled and urgent cases and keeping our customers’ priorities.
First is Human and after machine and production. Safety is never a question of time of money. Your safety in priority!
Never leaving work when a there is a little difficulty: our creative teams has the skills in many areas to solve the problem.
How long site installations last?
- Usually sitework for installing mobile equipments last only one shift.
- For special applications beside the installation, we need more time e.g. calibrating and train operators for use system.
- For industrial installations we used to estimate worktime before giving an offer.Each offer has a fixed price that does not depend on final and actual working hours.
What should customer provide for site installation?
- For every type of installationthe conditions required by the customer are specified in advance. We send written confirmation after ordering.
Why do customers prefer turnkey installations?
- Because EuroScale offers 2 years full European warranty on each system it supports. When installation is divided among several contractors, we can not keep proper responsibility for the result.