Phone number

+36 70/640-8888

Opening hours: Monday to Friday

7:00am - 5:00pm

„TRY & BUY” service

„TRY & BUY” service

We do not offer sacks: with no compromise: we offer the latest technology to test before paying. Most of the cases we already know our offered technical solution is the best and works for customers without any compromise. For these cases we provide wide range of references where new customers can check and confirm our solutions. In some cases when we find new applications or the area of use is uncertain we offer our Try&Buy service. You only pay a security deposit when ordering and we install the system. We check all parameters and when system works correctly we train you or your operators for the use. Together with your experts we determine the purpose and conditions of the operation. You can test the system freely and you pay only when if all condition fulfil the determine needs.
That is maximum safety for you!

Test the latest technology for free!


Distribution of world-wide leading manufacturer brands with their support behind always ensure highest quality of our production and services.


Working with the best-fit and available solutions or alternatives. Handling scheduled and urgent cases and keeping our customers’ priorities.


First is Human and after machine and production. Safety is never a question of time of money. Your safety in priority!


Never leaving work when a there is a little difficulty: our creative teams have the skills in many areas to solve the problem.

Get in Touch

You will find yourself working in a true partnership that results in an incredible experience, and an end product that is the best.

Call us on WhatsApp

+36 70/640-8888